Case Studies of
Smart City
Japanese Case
/ Solutions
Cooperative Measures
About Smart JAMP
Smart JAMP study
Technology Solution |
Outline | Project Example | Company | |
Integrated Smart Solutions for Urban Disaster Risk Management | Cities, with their high concentration of population and assets, are exposed to various natural disaster risks, including urban flooding, landslides, and earthquakes. To address these urban disaster vulnerabilities, we, as a comprehensive consultant, contribute to improving disaster vulnerability of urban areas by providing services ranging from collection and accumulation of hydro-meteorological, disaster and satellite data, disaster-related simulation and analysis, to early warning and disaster infromation dissemination. |
Project Name Urgent Disaster Reduction Project for Mt. Merapi, Progo River Basin (JICA Loan IP-524) Country / City Indonesia / Yogyakarta |
Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
・Image analysis (traffic volume flow, vehicle identification) ・Blockchain platform including regional MaaS ・Any analysis utilizing traffic database | AI-basis “TRAVIC” can analyze traffic data recorded from a roadside with a handy camera, and then take automatical measurements of the analyzed data, according to each vehicle type’s traffic condition (i.e. traffic volume and driving speed). Any traffic data or facilities available in the targeted area (i.e. parking lot) can be linked to TRAVIC with blockchain technology, which leads to establishing a platform with shared data utilization. Traffic data that TRAVIC processes will be useful database for any information service, new service such as Maas, or plan development, according to needs of road users, public transportation users, transportation operators, or a regional government. Data analysis can be conducted in a way or for a purpose to meet client’s demand. |
Project Name Study of bottleneck analysis in Hiroshima area Country / City Japan / Hatsukaichi city, Hiroshima Pref. |
Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Integrated Smart City Master Planning Services | Since its establishment in 1963, Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. has been providing comprehensive consulting services for infrastructure planning and development, and solutions for the improvement of society in Japan and overseas. Yachiyo Engineering’s services include integrated smart city planning, introduction of urban/ city operation systems, advanced analysis and simulation of complex data, providing urban development solutions using ICT and other advanced technologies, and project evaluation. |
Project Name Master Plan Study for Environment-Friendly Smart Community Country / City Cambodia / Kandal Province |
Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Compaction Meister / Master | Quality control management system of soil compaction using by Cloud service ・Dataling of compaction lebel such as pass times and density. ・Setting of data and output to other device. Note: It has not available case due to area of cloud networks. |
Country / City No record without Japan |
SAKAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES,.LTD (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Guardman/emergensy break system on compactor | Compactor with automatic emergency break and stop system ・Pick up obtacles by automatic sensor ・Suitable break choice automatically fitted with operation speed ・Buzzer noize make caution to near machine area workers |
Country / City No record without Japan |
SAKAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES,.LTD (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Comprehensive consulting services for smart city development | Participatory and comprehensive consulting services for smart city development based on a wide range of discussions and workshops with developers. Our services cover ranging from the formulation of the vision and mission of the smart city, the examination of business models, the establishment of organizational structures, the identification of issues, the selection of adaptable technologies, the packaging of individual technologies according to the issues, conducting Proof of Concept and implementation support for individual technologies. |
Project Name Mobility Development Study for North Hanoi Smart City Country / City Vietnam / Hanoi |
Oriental Consultants Global. Co., Ltd (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Camer Vector Technology | Iwane is the manufacturer of mobile mapping system and also providing turnkey mapping services world -wide. Using image processing, a series of 360 degree Images are analyzed to calculate a camera trajectory (position & posture) and further fused with high-precision GNSS position information to finally obtain a three-dimensional geo-referenced images (360 degrees / Spherical images). Precise position information of the objects/features can be extracted and the distance, length, and height of the objects can be obtained from the three-dimensional image. It is possible to tag any real object in the video in three dimensions and the information can also be linked to the tag. Huge vector data in the form of point, like and polygon can also be extracted and stored the geometry in database / geo-database. AI/ML is also applied to Spherical degrees images and the features can be extracted automatically with high precision. All of the 360 degrees images and vector data can be published online using on-premises or cloud sever where-in measurement, geotagging and population of database can be performed. |
Project Name The Acquisition of Road Data Inventory on "Department of Rural Roads- (DRR)" roads with the help of Mobile Mapping System ( MMS ). Country / City Thailand / Bangkok |
Iwane Laboratories, Ltd. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Formation of Super City with Its Own Charm | ・ The concept of "Super City" is an urban development challenge being tackled in Japan, which aims to improve the welfare and convenience of residents by providing various services centering on a data linkage platform that collects, organizes and provides various types of data across fields. ・ This "Digital Transformation City" is enhanced with a focus on the "unique value" of the region. ・ Infrastructure: Utilizes cutting-edge technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence (AI). ・ Disaster prevention: Safety and security are enhanced by utilizing IT technology. ・ Revitalization: Smooth movement is supported through smart mobility. ・ Individualization: The unique value of the area, such as history/culture, is featured. |
Project Name VISON Country / City Japan / Taki-town, Mie-Prefecture |
Oriental Consultants Co., LTD. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Road Facility Maintenance / Daily Management Efficiency Support System: SOCOCA | ・ The SOCOCA system uses ICT tools to support the maintenance and management of road facilities (bridges, tunnels, pavements, road appurtenances, rivers, etc.) and the efficiency of daily management operations. ・ SOCOCA can be expected to be applied not only for road maintenance but also for various purposes and uses. ・ A simple database of facilities can be built in SOCOCA with freely customizable registration items and a save function for photos and other files. ・ Immediate sharing and access to information in the database is possible. Sustainable facilities can be maintained by updating information while using the database. |
Project Name SOCOCA Country / City Japan / Local municipality (Shinagawa-city, Yaizu-city, Suzaka-city) |
Oriental Consultants Co., LTD. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Gravel Reading System Using AI: ”Grache” | ・ In order to respond to intensifying heavy rain and sediment-related disasters, we use the following methods to investigate the actual disaster situations and take countermeasures while ensuring the safety of survey workers. - Utilizing aerial images taken with UAVs helps to ensure the safety and speed of the survey. - Automatically detecting and measuring the condition of the ground surface at rivers improves the accuracy of the survey. - Investigators can output graphs and images automatically grouped (by size and amount of gravel) using AI technology simply by uploading aerial images to a cloud service. |
Project Name Fuji River SABO Survey (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Fuji River SABO Office) Country / City Japan / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, local government |
Oriental Consultants Co., LTD. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Digital Twin and 3D Technology for Asset Management of Electric Power Facilities | We define digital power generation and substation facility as 3D technology build digital-twin (creating a “twin” in cyberspace identical to a physical object). This proposal is to contribute to efficient work in project cycle (planning, construction designing, operation and maintenance) for power plants and substations through digital-twin. This technology can be applied to transmission and distribution facilities as well, but the generation facilities and substations are likely to benefit first as these facilities are about management of a cluster of equipment. To be more exact, we aim to improve efficiency in all stages of operation, by visually managing the entire process. This is made possible by making a 3D model (point groups, 3D-CAD (BIM)) of the structure of equipment in generation and substation facilities. We will then link information of all equipment (such as manufacturer specification, local condition, equipment monitoring data) to 3D model data for each equipment unit. |
Tokyo Electric Power Service Co., Ltd (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
■Bridge inspection and monitoring system (1) FBG Optical Fiber Monitoring System (2) Self-propelled bridge inspection robot camera (3) Cable inspection robot for cable-stayed bridges (4) iPad application for bridge inspection “Maplet SM (Survey Maintenance)” | In order to support the maintenance and management of bridges, which are important in ensuring the safety and extending the life of road networks, by constructing an efficient ICT maintenance and management system utilizing sensor monitoring and robots, evaluation based on data and data sharing among parties become possible. (1) System for evaluating bridge integrity by using FBG Optical Fiber Sensor; (2) Self-propelled equipment in combination with a bridge inspection robot camera that automatically inspects the sides of the bridge; (3) Inspection robot capable to photographing every aspect of cables of a cable-stayed bridge; and (4) Management and utilization of accumulated big data for business efficiency. |
Project Name Bridge inspection and monitoring system Country / City Japan |
Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Road 3D Data Development and Management of Road Infrastracture with 3D Viewer | The service that provides high-precision road space data acquired by Mobile Mapping System and 3D viewer. The characteristics are as follows: (1)To provide highly accurate colored point cloud data that can be utilized for road design (2)To provide functions to appear digital space in the desk top and to measure it (3)To provide functions for infrastructure management on 3D database. The assets managed by local governments are increasing around roads such as road conditions, bridges, safety facilities and drainages so on. 3D database enable investigations on desktop, storing repair histories efficiently, and preventive maintenance. In Japan and South Korea, this technology is also used for railway space management. |
Project Name Road 3D Viewer Country / City Thailand |
PASCO CORPORATION (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Traffic Management system,traffic signal light,Image type vehicle detector,Image type vehicle detector | We, Nippon Signal provide safety and comfort in all ways of transportations by using our cutting-edge technology. Nippon Signal has been actively developing the latest technologies for use in near future. For example, we are working to improve crosswalk safety with Image expression pedestrian detection device, to reduce energy consumption with LED traffic lights and infrared vehicle detection devices, and to make control equipment smaller and lighter. We have achieved development of traffic control system called "MODERATO"which calculates traffic volume at an intersection and automatically controls the duration of the green signal. We not only contribute in preventing traffic accidents and in reducing traffic congestion, but also in reducing the CO2 emissions as social goal. |
Project Name Traffic Signal Equipment Supply Project in Uganda Country / City Uganda / Kampala |
Nippon Signal Co., Ltd (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Landslide Remote Monitoring System | By installing observation equipment such as a rainfall meter, surface extensometer, surface inclinometer, and groundwater level meter on a slope where there is a risk of sediment disasters, and collecting those measurement data on the cloud server, the condition of the slope can be visualized. Since the manager can grasp the condition of the slope from a remote place, it is possible to take an early response such as an evacuation order. In the vicinity of the monitoring slope, it is possible to notify the local residents of the danger by using a rotating light or a siren. The equipment composed of the system can be battery-powered due to its excellent low power consumption design. And it is resistant to electrical shocks such as lightning, and can withstand long-term use. Moreover, even in mountainous areas where the communication environment is not well prepared, it is possible to provide a highly reliable monitoring system over the long term because of the communication technology that reliably transmits data. |
Project Name Verification Survey with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese technologies for The Landslide Remote Monitoring System Country / City Sri Lanka / Ratnapura, Nuwara Eliya |
OSASI Technos, Inc. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Business consulting on Vietnam’s smart city market entry | We provide Business consulting regarding the entry into the smart city market in Vietnam. Mainly content such as market research, search for local partners, support for strategic planning, investment and M & A advisory.The specific fields are as follows ・ IT human resources development support and mediation services ・ Support for digital transformation ・ Concept and development of smart cities and related solutions ・ Smart industrial park concept (resource recovery, energy saving, environmental protection) ・ Support for offshore contract development ・ Introduction of IT and IoT solutions (E-HealthCare, E-Government, E-Environmentsolution, e-government ideas, etc.) |
ONE-VALUE INC. (Website JA) Contact |
Infrastructure monitoring cloud system OKIPPA (Inclination / Expansion & Contraction) | Infrastructure monitoring cloud system (OKIPPA) is a system that can monitor the inclination and the expansion & contraction just by installing a sensor box. In the conventional technology, the data is transferred by a specific low power radio that requires the installation of equipment such as a base station and wiring. However, this technology uses low-power wide-area wireless communication (LPWA), which does not require the installation of self-employed base stations or wiring, so it can be used for a long time at low cost. In addition, labor saving and efficiency improvement of inspection work can be expected not only during construction but also during maintenance during operation. Also, it is a system that can be used in other countries by changing only the communication parts in the sensor box. |
Project Name Safety monitoring of the shoulders of city roads and construction roads in service in the construction area of the surplus soil removal work Country / City Japan / Miyazaki Prefecture |
Nishimatsu Construction Co., Ltd. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Automatic Passenger Gate, Automatic ticket Vending Machine, Ticket Office Machine, Closed loop system, Open loop system | We strive to meet the needs of the ever evolving Automatic Fare Collection AFC(Automatic Fare Collection)Systems with the application of the IC card system that has completely transformed the passenger gates and fare collection operations, by working to build a network that integrates the use of IC cards in and around stations. We, Nippon Signal have proven track records with safe and reliable transaction processing and we offer a variety of AFC solutions from closed loop system using smart cards to open loop system supporting EMV contactless cards. Features of automatic ticket vending machines Electronic lock by IC card is supported to improve security. Surveillance cameras record customer service, attendant, and maintenance staff operations which can be used to detect unauthorized operations, if any. |
Project Name Chennai Metro Country / City India / Chennai |
Nippon Signal Co., Ltd (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
CBTC (Communication-Based Train Control) ATC (Automatic Train Control) ATP (Automatic Train Protection) Electronic Interlocking System | ・SPARCS is the Train control system using wireless communication developed by Nippon Signal. ・A next-generation train control system that enables continuous train position detection and control via wireless communication. Compared to fixed block system using track circuits, moving block system can shorten the operation interval. It is mainly used in monorails and urban railroads. It is safe, reliable, and low cost, and has achieved the highest safety level of SIL4 based on international standards. This cable-less system is supported by a control system and wireless network to achieve automation level of GoA4 (Unattend Train Operation). |
Project Name Delhi Metro Line 8 Country / City India / Delhi |
Nippon Signal Co., Ltd (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |
Solar Light with timer dimming system | LED street light that combines a solar panel and a lithium-ion iron phosphate battery. A wireless 5-step time zone dimming system function is installed inside the storage battery to ensure the remaining battery power by dimming according to demand, and it can be used as lighting without using national grid power. Since the lighting is turned on and off according to the solar power generation (sunshine), it automatically responds to fluctuations in sunshine hours. It does not require electrical wiring and can be used from the night of installation, and there is no electricity charge. A product that visualizes information by changing wireless dimming settings and constantly checking the amount of power generation, storage, and power consumption using the app. |
Project Name Solar lighting Business for New road Country / City Vietnam / Yen Bai Province |
NIINUMA CO., LTD. (Website EN) (Website JA) Contact |